00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002 * This file is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
00003 *
00004 * You are free to share, copy, distribute, transmit, or adapt this work
00005 * PROVIDED THAT you attribute the work to the authors listed below.
00006 * For more information, please see the following web page:
00007 *
00008 *
00009 * This file is a component of the Sleipnir library for functional genomics,
00010 * authored by:
00011 * Curtis Huttenhower (
00012 * Mark Schroeder
00013 * Maria D. Chikina
00014 * Olga G. Troyanskaya (, primary contact)
00015 *
00016 * If you use this library, the included executable tools, or any related
00017 * code in your work, please cite the following publication:
00018 * Curtis Huttenhower, Mark Schroeder, Maria D. Chikina, and
00019 * Olga G. Troyanskaya.
00020 * "The Sleipnir library for computational functional genomics"
00021 *****************************************************************************/
00022 #include "stdafx.h"
00023 #include "cmdline.h"
00025 static int Genes( const char*, CGenes& );
00027 int main( int iArgs, char** aszArgs ) {
00028     IBayesNet*          pBN;
00029     gengetopt_args_info sArgs;
00030     CPCL                PCLOut;
00031     CPCLPair            PCLIn;
00032     CGenome             Genome;
00033     CGenes              GenesIn( Genome ), GenesEx( Genome );
00034     size_t              i, j;
00035     int                 iRet;
00036     vector<string>      vecstrGenes, vecstrExperiments, vecstrNodes, vecstrFeatures;
00037     vector<size_t>      veciGenes;
00038     ofstream            ofsm;
00040     if( cmdline_parser( iArgs, aszArgs, &sArgs ) ) {
00041         cmdline_parser_print_help( );
00042         return 1; }
00043     CMeta Meta( sArgs.verbosity_arg );
00045     CBayesNetSmile  BNSmile( !!sArgs.group_flag );
00046 #ifdef PNL_ENABLED
00047     CBayesNetPNL    BNPNL( !!sArgs.group_flag );
00048 #endif // PNL_ENABLED
00049     CBayesNetFN     BNFN;
00051     if( sArgs.function_flag ) {
00052         if( !BNFN.Open( sArgs.input_arg ) ) {
00053             cerr << "Couldn't open: " << sArgs.input_arg << endl;
00054             return 1; }
00055         pBN = &BNFN; }
00056     else {
00057         if( !BNSmile.Open( sArgs.input_arg ) ) {
00058             cerr << "Couldn't open: " << sArgs.input_arg << endl;
00059             return 1; }
00060 #ifdef PNL_ENABLED
00061         if( sArgs.pnl_flag ) {
00062             BNSmile.Convert( BNPNL );
00063             pBN = &BNPNL; }
00064         else
00065 #endif // PNL_ENABLED
00066             pBN = &BNSmile; }
00068     if( ( iRet = Genes( sArgs.genes_arg, GenesIn ) ) ||
00069         ( iRet = Genes( sArgs.genex_arg, GenesEx ) ) )
00070         return iRet;
00071     if( !PCLIn.Open( sArgs.data_arg, sArgs.skip_arg ) ) {
00072         cerr << "Couldn't open: " << ( sArgs.data_arg ? sArgs.data_arg : "PCL" ) << endl;
00073         return 1; }
00075     for( i = 0; i < PCLIn.GetGenes( ); ++i ) {
00076         if( GenesIn.GetGenes( ) && !GenesIn.IsGene( PCLIn.GetGene( i ) ) )
00077             continue;
00078         if( GenesEx.GetGenes( ) && GenesEx.IsGene( PCLIn.GetGene( i ) ) )
00079             continue;
00080         veciGenes.push_back( i );
00081         vecstrGenes.push_back( PCLIn.GetGene( i ) ); }
00083     pBN->GetNodes( vecstrNodes );
00084     for( i = 0; i < vecstrNodes.size( ); ++i ) {
00085         for( j = 0; j < PCLIn.GetExperiments( ); ++j )
00086             if( vecstrNodes[ i ] == PCLIn.GetExperiment( j ) )
00087                 break;
00088         if( j < PCLIn.GetExperiments( ) )
00089             continue;
00090         for( j = 0; j < pBN->GetValues( i ); ++j ) {
00091             char    acTmp[ 1024 ];
00093 #pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
00094             sprintf( acTmp, "%s:%d", vecstrNodes[ i ].c_str( ), j );
00095 #pragma warning( default : 4996 )
00096             vecstrExperiments.push_back( acTmp ); } }
00098     PCLOut.Open( vecstrGenes, vecstrExperiments, vecstrFeatures );
00099     pBN->Evaluate( PCLIn, PCLOut, !!sArgs.zero_flag, sArgs.algorithm_arg );
00100     if( sArgs.output_arg )
00101 sArgs.output_arg );
00102     PCLOut.Save( sArgs.output_arg ? (ostream&)ofsm : cout );
00103     if( sArgs.output_arg )
00104         ofsm.close( );
00106     return 0; }
00108 static int Genes( const char* szGenes, CGenes& Genes ) {
00109     ifstream    ifsm;
00111     if( !szGenes )
00112         return 0;
00114 szGenes );
00115     if( !Genes.Open( ifsm ) ) {
00116         cerr << "Couldn't open: " << szGenes << endl;
00117         return 1; }
00118     ifsm.close( );
00119     return 0; }