Sleipnir::AResult | |
Sleipnir::AResultFloat | |
ascend | |
Sleipnir::Ascending | |
Sleipnir::AscendingFloat | |
bresult | |
Sleipnir::CAscendingKey< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CAscendingValue< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFN | Implements IBayesNet for networks using custom node types |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNImpl | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNNode | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNNodeBeta | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNNodeDiscrete | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNNodeExponential | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNNodeGaussian | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetFNNodeMOG | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetImpl | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetMinimal | Implements a heavily optimized discrete naive Bayesian classifier |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetMinimalImpl | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetMinimalNode | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetPNLImpl | |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetSmile | Implements IBayesNet for networks using the SMILE library from the U. Pittsburgh Decision Systems Lab |
Sleipnir::CBayesNetSmileImpl | |
Sleipnir::CBinaryMatrix | A special symmetric matrix in which each entry consumes exactly one bit |
CBNServer | |
Sleipnir::CClustHierarchical | Utility class containing static hierarchical clustering methods |
Sleipnir::CClustHierarchicalImpl | |
Sleipnir::CClustKMeans | Utility class containing static k-means clustering methods |
Sleipnir::CClustKMeansImpl | |
Sleipnir::CClustPivot | Utility class containing static pivot clustering methods |
Sleipnir::CClustQTC | Utility class containing static quality threshold clustering methods |
Sleipnir::CClustQTCImpl | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesce | Performs regulatory module prediction (gene expression biclustering plus de novo sequence motif discovery) using the COALESCE algorithm of Huttenhower et al. 2009 |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceCluster | Manages a single converging regulatory module for CCoalesce |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceGeneScores | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceGroupHistograms | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceHistogramSet< tValue, tCount > | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceImpl | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceMotifLibrary | Manages a set of kmer, reverse complement, and probabilistic suffix tree motifs for CCoalesce |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceMotifLibraryImpl | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceSequencer< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceSequencerBase | |
Sleipnir::CColor | Simple representation of a color triple in RGB space |
Sleipnir::CColorImpl | |
Sleipnir::CCompactFullMatrix | Store a discrete matrix using the fewest possible bytes |
Sleipnir::CCompactFullMatrixImpl | |
Sleipnir::CCompactMatrix | Store a discrete symmetric matrix using the fewest possible bytes |
Sleipnir::CCompactMatrixBase | |
Sleipnir::CCompactMatrixImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDat | Stores a continuously valued half matrix paired with a list of names for matrix elements |
Sleipnir::CDatabase | Encapsulates a simple indexless database allowing rapid per-gene access to values from many datasets |
Sleipnir::CDatabaseImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDatabaselet | |
Sleipnir::CDataFilter | Augments a dataset with a dynamically calculated gene set filter |
Sleipnir::CDataFilterImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDataImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDataMask | Augments a dataset with a mask to dynamically exclude specific gene pairs |
Sleipnir::CDataMaskImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDataOverlayImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDataPair | Encapsulates a CDat paired with a quantization file |
Sleipnir::CDataPairImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDataset | A simple implementation of IDataset directly loading unmodified CDats for each non-hidden data node |
Sleipnir::CDatasetCompact | An implementation of IDataset optimized for compactly storying discrete data |
Sleipnir::CDatasetCompactImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDatasetCompactMap | Augments a compact dataset with a mask to dynamically exclude specific gene pairs |
Sleipnir::CDatasetImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDataSubset | An IDataset implementation that loads subsets of continuous data in serial to conserve memory |
Sleipnir::CDataSubsetImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDatFilter | Augments a CDat with a dynamically calculated gene set filter |
Sleipnir::CDatFilterImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDatImpl | |
Sleipnir::CDescendingKey< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CDescendingValue< tType > | |
CDot | |
Sleipnir::CExampleImpl | |
Sleipnir::CFASTA | Encapsulates a standard FASTA file or a modified ENCODE-style wiggle (WIG) file |
Sleipnir::CFASTAImpl | |
Sleipnir::CFileImpl | |
Sleipnir::CFullMatrix< tType > | An asymmetric two-dimensional matrix |
Sleipnir::CGene | Represents a gene with a single primary unique identifier, zero or more synonyms, and zero or more functional annotations |
Sleipnir::CGeneImpl | |
Sleipnir::CGenes | Represents a simple set of unique genes |
Sleipnir::CGenesImpl | |
Sleipnir::CGenome | Organizes a collection of unique genes representing a background or maximum gene set for some situation |
Sleipnir::CGenomeImpl | |
Sleipnir::CHalfMatrix< tType > | A symmetric two-dimensional matrix |
Sleipnir::CHalfMatrixBase | |
Sleipnir::CHierarchy | Represents a simple node in a binary tree |
Sleipnir::CHierarchyImpl | |
Sleipnir::CHMM | Extremely simple Hidden Markov Model (HMM) implementation allowing learning and generation from the model |
Sleipnir::CHMMImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMath | Utility class containing static basic math functions |
Sleipnir::CMathImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureAutocorrelate | Autocorrelates an underlying measure by rotating input vectors and returning the minimum result |
Sleipnir::CMeasureBinaryInnerProduct | Calculates the number of positions in which both vectors have nonzero elements (centering and weights ignored) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureDice | Calculates the continuous of Dice coefficient between two vectors, dot(x, y) / ( dot(x, y) + a*||x-y|| + (1-a)*||y-x|| ) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureDistanceCorrelation | Calculates the continuous of distance correlation coefficient between two vectors, unweighted only! |
Sleipnir::CMeasureEuclidean | Calculates the Euclidean distance between the two vectors |
Sleipnir::CMeasureEuclideanScaled | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureHypergeometric | Calculate the hypergeometric p-value of overlap between two boolean vectors (centering and weights ignored) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureInnerProduct | Calculates the inner product of two vectors (centering ignored, weights used in pairwise products) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureInvert | Inverts an underlying measure by inverting its result (dividing one by the value) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureKendallsTau | Calculates the Kendall's Tau correlation between two vectors (centering as per EMap, weights used in pairwise products) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureKendallsTauImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureKolmogorovSmirnov | Calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value of difference between two vectors (centering and weights ignored) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureMutualInformation | Calculates the mutual information in bits between two integer vectors (centering and weights ignored) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureNegate | Inverts an underlying measure by negating its result |
Sleipnir::CMeasurePearNorm | Calculates the Fisher's z-transformed Pearson correlation between the two vectors |
Sleipnir::CMeasurePearNormImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMeasurePearson | Calculates the Pearson correlation between the two vectors |
Sleipnir::CMeasurePearsonSignificance | Calculates the p-value of Pearson correlation between two vectors (centering ignored, weights used for correlation) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureQuickPearson | Calculates the Pearson correlation between the two vectors |
Sleipnir::CMeasureRelativeAUC | Calculates the difference in relative absolute sums of two vectors (centering and weights ignored) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureSigmoid | Inverts an underlying measure using a sigmoid function |
Sleipnir::CMeasureSigmoidImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureSignedDistanceCorrelation | Calculates the continuous of distance correlation coefficient between two vectors, unweighted only! Original version of distance correlation is unsigned. This signed version takes the sign from pearson correlation |
Sleipnir::CMeasureSpearman | Calculates Spearman's rank correlation between two vectors (centering as per EMap, weights ignored) |
Sleipnir::CMeasureSpearmanImpl | |
Sleipnir::CMeta | Utility class containing static utility functions |
Sleipnir::CMetaImpl | |
Sleipnir::COntologyImpl | |
Sleipnir::COntologyKEGG | Implements IOntology for the KEGG orthology |
Sleipnir::COntologyKEGGImpl | |
Sleipnir::COntologyMIPS | Implements IOntology for the MIPS functional catalog |
Sleipnir::COntologyMIPSImpl | |
Sleipnir::COntologyMIPSPhenotypes | Extends COntologyMIPS to include the (apparently defunct) "phencat" phenotype hierarchy |
Sleipnir::COntologyOBO | Implements IOntology for OBO based Ontologies |
Sleipnir::COntologyOBOImpl | |
Sleipnir::COrthology | An orthology is a collection of sets, each containing zero or more orthologous genes from any organism |
Sleipnir::COrthologyImpl | |
Sleipnir::CPair< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CPairImpl | |
CParser | |
CParserConsole | |
Sleipnir::CPCL | Encapsulates a PCL (or, in a pinch, CDT) formatted microarray data file |
Sleipnir::CPCLImpl | |
Sleipnir::CPCLPair | Encapsulates a CPCL paired with a quantization file |
Sleipnir::CPCLPairImpl | |
Sleipnir::CPCLSet | A PCL set manages a collection of CPCL objects and aligns their gene indices |
Sleipnir::CPCLSetImpl | |
Sleipnir::CPST | Represents a probabilistic suffix tree (PST) containing zero or more overlapping strings in a weighted manner |
Sleipnir::CPSTImpl | |
CRegularize | |
Sleipnir::CSeekCentral | A suite of search algorithms that are supported by Seek |
Sleipnir::CSeekDataset | Representation of a microarray dataset that is used by Seek |
Sleipnir::CSeekDBSetting | |
Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap | An integer to integer mapping structure that is used to detect the presence of genes in a dataset |
Sleipnir::CSeekNetwork | Utilities for sending and receiving data over the network |
Sleipnir::CSeekPerformanceMeasure | Evaluation metrics for a rank-list given some judgment gene-set |
Sleipnir::CSeekPlatform | Representation of a microarray platform that is used by Seek |
Sleipnir::CSeekQuery | Representation of a query gene-set that is used by Seek |
Sleipnir::CSeekStrIntMap | A string to integer mapping structure |
Sleipnir::CSeekTools | A suite of file I/O and general purpose tools that are used by Seek |
Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter | Provide functions to assign dataset weight using the query gene |
Sleipnir::CSeekWriter | |
Sleipnir::CServer | Provide a basic multithreaded TCP/IP server for simple communication tasks |
Sleipnir::CServerClientImpl | |
Sleipnir::CServerImpl | |
Sleipnir::CSlim | Represents a set of ontology terms |
Sleipnir::CSlimImpl | |
Sleipnir::CSparseFlatHalfMatrix< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CSparseFlatMatrix< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CSparseListMatrix< tType > | An asymmetric two-dimensional sparse matrix using linked lists for each row |
Sleipnir::CSparseMapMatrix< tType > | An asymmetric two-dimensional sparse matrix using maps for each row |
Sleipnir::CSparseMatrixImpl< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CStatistics | Utility class containing static statistics functions |
Sleipnir::CStatisticsImpl | |
Sleipnir::CStrassen | |
Sleipnir::CSVM | Provides an interface for learning and evaluating support vector machines using svm_perf |
Sleipnir::CSVMImpl | |
Sleipnir::CTrie< tType > | A simple prefix tree implementation |
Sleipnir::CTrieImpl< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CTrieIterator< tType > | Iterator for inorder traversal of trie keys |
Sleipnir::CTrieIteratorImpl< tType > | |
Sleipnir::CVW | |
Sleipnir::CVWImpl | |
descend | |
GeneStruct | |
Sleipnir::IBayesNet | Encapsulates a Bayesian network with arbitrary structure and node types |
Sleipnir::IDataset | An IDataset abstracts a collection of individual datasets, usually CDats, using various continuous and/or discrete encodings |
Sleipnir::IMeasure | Encapsulates any similarity (or occasionally distance) measure operating over two vectors |
Sleipnir::IOntology | Encapsulates a functional catalog/hierarchy/ontology such as GO, KEGG, or MIPS |
Sleipnir::IServerClient | Provide a simple interface for objects handling network requests on a server thread |
PairStruct | |
ParamStruct | |
SVMLight::Result | |
SVMArc::Result | |
LIBSVM::Result | |
LIBSVM::sample | |
CParserConsole::SArgs | |
SBackground | |
SBetween | |
SBNServerData | |
SCallback | |
SCallbackMeta | |
SCallbackVars | |
Sleipnir::SCoalesceDataset | |
Sleipnir::SCoalesceModifierCache | |
Sleipnir::SCoalesceModifiers | |
SColink | |
Sleipnir::SCompareRank< tType > | |
Sleipnir::SCrossRCs | |
Sleipnir::CSVMImpl::SData | |
SData | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl::SDataset | |
SDatum | |
SEvaluate | |
SEvaluate2 | |
Sleipnir::SFASTABase | Base data associated with one entry in a FASTA/WIG file |
Sleipnir::SFASTASequence | Data associated with one sequence entry in a FASTA file |
Sleipnir::SFASTAWiggle | Data associated with one value entry in a WIG file |
SFeature | |
Sleipnir::SIsGene | |
Sleipnir::CDatImpl::size_t_comp | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureKendallsTauImpl::SKendallsFirst | |
Sleipnir::CMeasureKendallsTauImpl::SKendallsSecond | |
Sleipnir::CSVMImpl::SKernel | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceMotifLibraryImpl::SKnowns | |
Sleipnir::CSVMImpl::SLearn | |
SLearn | |
CParser::SLocation | |
SModule | |
Sleipnir::SMotifMatch | |
Sleipnir::SNeighbors | |
Sleipnir::CPSTImpl::SNode | |
Sleipnir::COntologyImpl::SNode | |
SortGeneStruct | |
SortPairStruct | |
SVMArc::CSVMSTRUCTMC::SortResults | |
SortResults | |
Sleipnir::COntologyImpl::SParser | |
Sleipnir::COntologyKEGGImpl::SParserKEGG | |
Sleipnir::COntologyMIPSImpl::SParserMIPS | |
Sleipnir::COntologyOBOImpl::SParserOBO | |
Sleipnir::SPixie | |
SPixie | |
SProcessor | |
SSeed | |
SSimpleome | |
SSorter | |
SSorterMod | |
SSorterModules | |
Sleipnir::SSorterRank | |
SSortFind | |
Sleipnir::SSortRCs | |
SSummary | |
STerm | |
Sleipnir::STermFound | Encapsulates the hypergeometric functional enrichment of a query against one ontology term |
STF | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl::SThreadCentroid | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceImpl::SThreadCombineMotif | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl::SThreadSeedPair | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl::SThreadSelectCondition | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl::SThreadSelectMotif | |
Sleipnir::CCoalesceClusterImpl::SThreadSignificantGene | |
SVMLight::SVMLabel | |
SVMArc::SVMLabel | |
LIBSVM::SVMLabel | |
SVMLight::SVMLabelPair | |
SWithin | |
thread_data | |
Sleipnir::CExampleImpl::UDatum | |