Public Types | Public Member Functions
Sleipnir::CSeekDataset Class Reference

Representation of a microarray dataset that is used by Seek. More...

#include <seekdataset.h>

Public Types

enum  DistanceMeasure { CORRELATION = 0, Z_SCORE = CORRELATION + 1 }
 Distance measure (see main section for descriptions) More...

Public Member Functions

 CSeekDataset ()
 ~CSeekDataset ()
bool ReadDatasetAverageStdev (const string &)
 Read the *.sinfo file.
bool ReadGeneAverage (const string &)
 Read the gene average correlation file *.gavg.
bool ReadGeneVariance (const string &)
 Read the gene variance file *.gvar.
bool ReadGenePresence (const string &)
 Read the gene presence file *.gpres.
bool InitializeGeneMap ()
 Initialize the genome presence map.
bool InitializeQuery (const vector< utype > &)
 Initialize the query presence map.
bool InitializeQueryBlock (const vector< utype > &)
 Initialize a presence map for a block of queries.
bool DeleteQuery ()
 Delete the query.
bool DeleteQueryBlock ()
 Delete query block.
bool InitializeDataMatrix (utype **, const vector< float > &, const utype &, const utype &, const bool=true, const bool=false, const bool=false, const enum DistanceMeasure=Z_SCORE, const float cutoff=-1.0 *CMeta::GetNaN(), const bool=false, gsl_rng *rand=NULL)
 Initialize the gene-gene correlation matrix.
bool Copy (CSeekDataset *)
 Copy constructor.
utype ** GetDataMatrix ()
 Get the gene-gene correlation matrix.
unsigned char ** GetMatrix ()
 Get the gene-gene correlation matrix.
CSeekIntIntMapGetGeneMap ()
 Get the genome presence map.
CSeekIntIntMapGetDBMap ()
 Get the query-block presence map.
CSeekIntIntMapGetQueryMap ()
 Get the query presence map.
const vector< utype > & GetQuery () const
 Get the query genes.
const vector< utype > & GetQueryIndex () const
 Get the query gene indices.
float GetGeneVariance (const utype &) const
 Get the gene expression variance vector.
float GetGeneAverage (const utype &) const
 Get the gene average correlation vector.
float GetDatasetAverage () const
 Get the mean of the global gene-gene Pearson distribution.
float GetDatasetStdev () const
 Get the standard deviation of the global gene-gene Pearson distribution.
utype GetNumGenes () const
 Get the genome size.
bool InitializeCVWeight (const utype &)
 Initialize the weight of the dataset.
bool SetCVWeight (const utype &, const float &)
 Set the score for a particular cross-validation.
float GetCVWeight (const utype &)
 Get the score for a particular cross-validation.
const vector< float > & GetCVWeight () const
 Get all the cross-validation scores.
float GetDatasetSumWeight ()
 Get the dataset weight.
void SetPlatform (CSeekPlatform &)
 Set the platform.
CSeekPlatformGetPlatform () const
 Get the platform.

Detailed Description

Representation of a microarray dataset that is used by Seek.

A CSeekDataset encapsulates the following information about the dataset:

This dataset structure is designed to be used by Seek.

The word correlation refers to the standardized z-scores of Pearson correlations, which is derived from a 2-step process:


where $p(x,y)$ is the Pearson correlation, $f(x,y)$ is the Fisher's transformed score.

\[z(x,y)=\frac{f(x,y) - \bar{f}}{\sigma_{f}}\]

where $z(x,y)$ is the z-score, $\bar{f}$ is the mean, and $\sigma_{f}$ is the standard deviation.

From here on, correlation always refers to the above z-score definition.

Definition at line 133 of file seekdataset.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Distance measure (see main section for descriptions)


Pearson correlations


Z-score of Pearson correlations

Definition at line 140 of file seekdataset.h.

Member Function Documentation

Copy constructor.

srcA given dataset

Definition at line 67 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Delete the query.

Resets all query-related data, such as dataset weight, query presence map, etc.

Definition at line 240 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by DeleteQueryBlock(), InitializeQuery(), and ~CSeekDataset().

Delete query block.

Resets all query-block related data.

Definition at line 255 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References DeleteQuery(), and Sleipnir::CSeekTools::Free2DArray().

Referenced by InitializeQueryBlock(), and ~CSeekDataset().

float Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetCVWeight ( const utype &  i)

Get the score for a particular cross-validation.

iThe index

Definition at line 572 of file seekdataset.cpp.

const vector< float > & Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetCVWeight ( ) const

Get all the cross-validation scores.

A vector of cross-validation scores

Definition at line 576 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Get the gene-gene correlation matrix.

A two-dimensional array of type utype. Note that the correlation has been scaled to a integer range from 0 to 640. See CSeekDataset::InitializeDataMatrix.

Definition at line 277 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::LinearCombine().

Get the mean of the global gene-gene Pearson distribution.

The mean Pearson for the dataset

Definition at line 540 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Get the standard deviation of the global gene-gene Pearson distribution.

The standard deviation of the Pearson distribution

Definition at line 544 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Get the dataset weight.

The dataset weight

Definition at line 580 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Get the query-block presence map.

The query-block presence map

Definition at line 536 of file seekdataset.cpp.

float Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetGeneAverage ( const utype &  i) const

Get the gene average correlation vector.

The average correlation vector

Definition at line 552 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by InitializeDataMatrix().

Get the genome presence map.

The genome presence map

Definition at line 528 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::CVWeighting(), Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::LinearCombine(), and Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::OneGeneWeighting().

float Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetGeneVariance ( const utype &  i) const

Get the gene expression variance vector.

The variance vector

Definition at line 548 of file seekdataset.cpp.

unsigned char ** Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetMatrix ( )

Get the gene-gene correlation matrix.

A two-dimensional array of type unsigned char**.

Definition at line 524 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Get the genome size.

The genome size

Definition at line 556 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::CVWeighting(), Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::LinearCombine(), and Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::OneGeneWeighting().

Get the platform.

The platform of this dataset

Definition at line 599 of file seekdataset.cpp.

const vector< utype > & Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetQuery ( ) const

Get the query genes.

A vector of queries

Definition at line 269 of file seekdataset.cpp.

const vector< utype > & Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::GetQueryIndex ( ) const

Get the query gene indices.

A vector of query gene indices

Definition at line 273 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Get the query presence map.

The query presence map

Definition at line 532 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::CVWeighting(), Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::LinearCombine(), and Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::OneGeneWeighting().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::InitializeCVWeight ( const utype &  i)

Initialize the weight of the dataset.

iThe number of cross-validations

Initializes the total dataset weight, and the score of the individual cross-validation (CV) runs.

Definition at line 560 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::CVWeighting(), and Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::OneGeneWeighting().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::InitializeDataMatrix ( utype **  ,
const vector< float > &  ,
const utype &  ,
const utype &  ,
const bool  = true,
const bool  = false,
const bool  = false,
const enum  DistanceMeasure = Z_SCORE,
const float  cutoff = -1.0*CMeta::GetNaN(),
const bool  = false,
gsl_rng *  rand = NULL 

Initialize the gene-gene correlation matrix.

rDA two-dimensional array storing the discretized gene-gene correlations
quantThe discretization function
iRowsThe number of rows for the correlation matrix
iColumnsThe number of columns for the correlation matrix
bSubtractAvgIf true, subtract the correlation by the dataset average
bNormPlatformIf true, subtract the correlation by the platform average and divide by standard deviation
logitIf true, apply the logit transform on correlations
dist_measureDistance measure: z-score or correlations
cutoffApply a hard cutoff on correlations
bRandomIf true, shuffle the correlation vector
randThe random generator for the shuffling operation above
The discretized correlation in the matrix rD is bounded by 0 to 255 (the limit of unsigned char). The parameter quant specifies how a correlation is discretized. For example, if the quant has 5 bins:
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Then if a correlation is 2.5, the discretized value would be 2.

Definition at line 281 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References CORRELATION, Sleipnir::CSeekTools::Free2DArray(), Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::GetAllReverse(), GetGeneAverage(), Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::GetNumSet(), Sleipnir::CSeekPlatform::GetPlatformAvg(), Sleipnir::CSeekPlatform::GetPlatformStdev(), Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::GetReverse(), Sleipnir::CSeekTools::Init2DArray(), and Sleipnir::CSeekTools::InitVector().

Initialize the genome presence map.

Indicates which genes of the genome are present in the dataset.

Definition at line 132 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::Add(), and Sleipnir::CMeta::IsNaN().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::InitializeQuery ( const vector< utype > &  query)

Initialize the query presence map.

queryThe query genes

Indicates which query genes are present in the dataset.

Definition at line 190 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::Add(), DeleteQuery(), Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::GetForward(), and Sleipnir::CSeekTools::IsNaN().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::InitializeQueryBlock ( const vector< utype > &  queryBlock)

Initialize a presence map for a block of queries.

queryBlockA vector of queries

Flattens all the queries into one vector that contains only the unique query genes, then constructs a presence map based on this vector.

Definition at line 154 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::Add(), DeleteQueryBlock(), Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::GetForward(), Sleipnir::CSeekIntIntMap::GetNumSet(), Sleipnir::CSeekTools::Init2DArray(), and Sleipnir::CSeekTools::IsNaN().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::ReadDatasetAverageStdev ( const string &  strFileName)

Read the *.sinfo file.

strFileNameThe file name

The *.sinfo file contains the mean and the standard deviation of the global gene-gene Pearson distribution for this dataset.

Definition at line 111 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekTools::ReadArray().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::ReadGeneAverage ( const string &  strFileName)

Read the gene average correlation file *.gavg.

strFileNameThe file name

The *.gavg is an array that stores the average correlation of each gene.

Definition at line 119 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekTools::ReadArray().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::ReadGenePresence ( const string &  strFileName)

Read the gene presence file *.gpres.

strFileNameThe file name

The *.gpres is a 2-value array that contains the presence (1), absence (0) status of genes.

Definition at line 123 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekTools::ReadArray().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::ReadGeneVariance ( const string &  strFileName)

Read the gene variance file *.gvar.

strFileNameThe file name

The *.gvar file is an array that stores the expression variance of each gene.

Definition at line 127 of file seekdataset.cpp.

References Sleipnir::CSeekTools::ReadArray().

bool Sleipnir::CSeekDataset::SetCVWeight ( const utype &  i,
const float &  f 

Set the score for a particular cross-validation.

iThe index
fThe validation score

Definition at line 567 of file seekdataset.cpp.

Referenced by Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::CVWeighting(), and Sleipnir::CSeekWeighter::OneGeneWeighting().

Set the platform.

cpThe platform

Definition at line 595 of file seekdataset.cpp.

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