
DSLConverter converts between XDSL and DSL files and vice versa. This is useful in that certain versions of SMILE won't parse XDSL files on Windows, and other versions won't parse DSL files on Linux.


Basic Usage

 DSLConverter -i <input.xdsl> -o <output.dsl>

Output a DSL file output.dsl equivalent to the input XDSL file input.xdsl. Of course, you can input a DSL file and output an XDSL file instead.

Detailed Usage

package "DSLConverter"
version "1.0"
purpose "Interconverts DSL/XDSL files"

section "Main"
option  "input"     i   "Input (X)DSL file"
                        string  typestr="filename"  yes
option  "output"    o   "Output (X)DSL file"
                        string  typestr="filename"  yes

section "Optional"
option  "verbosity" v   "Message verbosity"
                        int default="5"
Flag Default Type Description
-i None (X)DSL file Input (X)DSL file.
-o None (X)DSL file Output (X)DSL file.