Explainer display information on the best- and/or worst-predicted gene pairs in a functional relationship network or, equivalently, the most and least similar gene pairs in two experimental datasets. This can be used to analyze predictions (to understand where errors are coming from) or to analyze experimental data (to see where and why laboratory results disagree with each other or a gold standard).
Explainer -i <predictions.dab> -w <answers.dab> [-f]
Output (to standard output) all gene pairs in predictions.dab
as compared to answers.dab
, sorted from greatest to least difference; the optional
file can make this output more informative for networks containing yeast genes.
package "Explainer"
version "1.0"
purpose "Allows evaluation of genes contributing to a good prediction score"
section "Main"
option "input" i "Similarity DAT/DAB file"
string typestr="filename" yes
option "answers" w "Answer DAT/DAB file"
string typestr="filename" yes
option "mode" d "Sort mode"
values="diff","data","answer" default="diff"
section "Miscellaneous"
option "count" k "Number of pairs to display"
int default="-1"
option "positives" p "Include only positive pairs"
flag off
option "negatives" P "Include only negative pairs"
flag off
option "everything" e "Include pairs without answers"
flag off
option "unknowns" u "Treatment of unknown genes"
values="exclude","include","only" default="exclude"
option "fraction" x "Random fraction of results to calculate"
double default="1"
section "Learning/Evaluation"
option "genes" g "Gene inclusion file"
string typestr="filename"
option "genex" G "Gene exclusion file"
string typestr="filename"
option "genet" R "Term inclusion file"
string typestr="filename"
option "genee" C "Edge inclusion file"
string typestr="filename"
section "Preprocessing"
option "normalize" n "Normalize to the range [0,1]"
flag off
option "invert" t "Invert correlations to distances"
flag off
option "reverse" r "Reverse sort order"
flag off
section "Function Catalogs"
option "go_onto" o "GO ontology"
string typestr="filename"
option "go_anno" a "GO annotations"
string typestr="filename"
option "features" f "SGD gene features"
string typestr="filename"
section "Optional"
option "memmap" m "Memory map input files"
flag off
option "config" c "Command line config file"
string typestr="filename" default="Explainer.ini"
option "verbosity" v "Message verbosity"
int default="5"
Flag | Default | Type | Description |
-i | stdin | DAT/DAB file | Input DAT/DAB file to be compared against a gold standard answer file. |
-w | None | DAT/DAB file | Gold standard answer DAT/DAB file against which input predictions/data are compared. |
-k | -1 | Integer | Number of gene pair comparisons to output; -1 displays all pairs. |
-p | off | Flag | If on, output only gene pairs marked as positive (1) in the gold standard. |
-e | off | Flag | If on, output all gene pairs with any data; if off, only output gene pairs present in the gold standard. |
-u | exclude | exclude, include, or only | If exclude, do not output any gene pairs containing an uncharacterized gene. If include, allow gene pairs containing uncharacterized genes. If only, output only gene pairs containing uncharacterized genes. |
-x | 1 | Double | Randomly subsample the requested fraction of the possible output data. |
-g | None | Text gene list | If given, use only gene pairs for which both genes are in the list. For details, see Sleipnir::CDat::FilterGenes. |
-G | None | Text gene list | If given, use only gene pairs for which neither gene is in the list. For details, see Sleipnir::CDat::FilterGenes. |
-c | None | Text gene list | If given, use only gene pairs passing a "term" filter against the list. For details, see Sleipnir::CDat::FilterGenes. |
-n | off | Flag | If on, normalize input edges to the range [0,1] before processing. |
-t | off | Flag | If on, output one minus the input's values. |
-r | off | Flag | If on, sort output from least to greatest error; otherwise, sort from greatest to least error. |
-o | None | OBO text file | OBO file containing the structure of the Gene Ontology. |
-a | None | Annotation text file | Gene Ontology annotation file for the desired organism. |
-f | None | SGD features text file | If given, use gene names from the given file to label graph nodes. |
-m | off | Flag | If given, memory map the input files when possible. DAT and PCL inputs cannot be memmapped. |