Funcifier (pronounced funk-if-eyer, not fun-siffier, with flagrant disregard for rules of standard English) calculates the strength of functional association between processes or pathways in a given functional relationship (or data) network. A functional association between two gene sets (e.g. pathways) measures the amount of cross-talk between those processes, which is calculated from the given individual gene pair functional relationships.
Funcifier -i <network.dab> -o <functions.dab> -l <colors.txt> <contexts.txt>*
Find the strength of functional association between every pair of contexts contexts.txt
in the functional relationship network network.dab
and store the resulting function pair network in functions.dab
; if requested, output the cohesiveness score for each function in colors.txt
for use with Dat2Graph.
package "Funcifier"
version "1.0"
purpose "Function interaction network builder"
section "Main"
option "input" i "Input interaction network"
string typestr="filename" yes
option "output" o "Output function network"
string typestr="filename" yes
section "Miscellaneous"
option "shared" s "Determine shared gene handling"
values="ignore","discard","oneonly" default="discard"
option "colors" l "Function cohesiveness output file"
string typestr="filename"
option "weights" w "PCL file of set-by-gene weights"
string typestr="filename"
option "minimum" u "Minimum edge count/weight to use"
double default="0"
section "Optional"
option "normalize" n "Normalize input to the range [0,1]"
flag off
option "zscore" z "Normalize output by z-scoring"
flag off
option "memmap" m "Memory map input"
flag off
option "verbosity" v "Message verbosity"
int default="5"
Flag | Default | Type | Description |
None | None | Gene text files | Gene sets which will be tested for functional association in the given dataset. Each set generally represents a biological context, e.g. process or pathway. Elements in the output DAT/DAB file will be named according to these input filenames. |
-i | stdin | DAT/DAB file | Input DAT/DAB file containing the functional relationship or data network to be mined for gene set functional associations. |
-o | stdout | DAT/DAB file | Output DAT/DAB file containing functional associations between gene sets. While the input network contains individual gene pairs, the output network contains pairs of gene sets (e.g. each element is a pair of labels from gene sets given on the command line). |
-s | discard | discard, ignore, or oneonly | Way in which genes present in multiple gene sets are handled. discard prevents shared genes from contributing to any gene set's associations, ignore allows them to contribute to every gene set in which they're included, and oneonly allows genes to contribute only if they are shared between exactly two processes (i.e. they have only one overlap). |
-l | None | Text file | If given, output file into which cohesiveness scores for each gene set are placed. Output is compatible with color input for Dat2Graph. |
-n | off | Flag | If on, normalize input edges to the range [0,1] before processing. |
-m | off | Flag | If given, memory map the input files when possible. DAT and PCL inputs cannot be memmapped. |