NetworkCombiner can replace the DAT mode of Combiner. It is faster, but achieves this by making some important assumptions. NetworkCombiner uses the mean method of combining and assumes that all gene pairs be present in all DABs being combined. Therfore, NetworkCombiner should only be used if these assumptions are met.
Create a new DAB file from a directory of existing DAB files by calculating the mean for each gene pair across all of the existing DAB files.
NetworkCombiner -d <directory of dabs> -o <combined.dab>
package "NetworkCombiner" version "1.0" purpose "Network(Dat/Dab) file combination(mean) tool; Assumes fully connected network with identical gene sets. It's faster than Combiner." section "Main" option "output" o "Output file" string typestr="filename" option "verbosity" v "Message verbosity" int default="5" option "directory" d "input directory (must only contain input files)" string typestr="directory" option "logit" l "logit transform the probability edge weights" flag off option "znormalize" z "z normalize edge weights (may not be probability values)" flag off option "map" m "Map gene index among the network dabs to combine. (Should be used when the gene intex are not identical among network dabs)" flag on option "weights" w "context weight file" string optional typestr="filename" option "prior" p "count file directory" string optional typestr="filename"
Flag | Default | Type | Description |
-d | None | DAT/DAB Directory | Input directory (must only contain input files as DAT/DAB). |
-m | on | Flag | Map gene index among the network dabs to combine (should be used when the gene indices are not identical among network dabs). |
-o | None | DAB file | Output file for combined network. |