OntoShell provides a uniform command line interface (mimicking a traditional UNIX shell) to multiple functional catalogs such as GO, KEGG, and MIPS. Ontology terms are laid out like directories in a file system, with gene annotations serving as files. The structure of the catalogs can be listed and explored, individual genes' annotations can be catted, and TermFinder queries can be processed either interactively or from the command line.
OntoShell -o gene_ontology.obo -g <gene_association.sgd> -k ko -K <org> -m funcat-2.0_scheme -a <funcat-2.0_data_18052006>
Initiate an interactive command prompt exploring functional catalogs and annotations from the Gene Ontology (gene_ontology.obo
and gene_association.sgd
), KEGG (ko
and the three-letter organism code org
, e.g. SCE, HSA, etc.), and MIPS (funcat_scheme
and funcat_data
OntoShell -o gene_ontology.obo -g <gene_association.sgd> -k ko -K <org>
-m funcat-2.0_scheme -a <funcat-2.0_data_18052006> -x "<command>"
Initiate a non-interactive session using the requested functional catalogs; executes the command string command
(which may contain multiple commands separated by semicolons) and outputs the results to standard output.
OntoShell -c <configuration.ini>
Executes OntoShell using the gengetopt command line arguments stored in the configuration file configuration.ini
. This can be extremely useful for storing complex command lines, e.g. the paths to all of the functional catalog files.
package "OntoShell"
version "1.0"
purpose "Ontology exploration utility"
section "Main"
option "exec" x "Command to execute"
option "altids" l "Force alternate (human) IDs"
flag off
option "dbids" b "Include GO database IDs"
flag off
section "Function Catalogs"
option "go_onto" o "GO ontology"
string typestr="filename"
option "go_anno" g "GO annotations"
string typestr="filename"
option "kegg" k "KEGG ontology"
string typestr="filename"
option "kegg_org" K "KEGG organism"
string default="SCE"
option "mips_onto" m "MIPS ontology"
string typestr="filename"
option "mips_anno" a "MIPS annotations"
string typestr="filename"
option "mipsp_onto" M "MIPS phenotypes ontology"
string typestr="filename"
option "mipsp_anno" A "MIPS phenotypes annotations"
string typestr="filename"
option "features" f "SGD gene features"
string typestr="filename"
section "Optional"
option "zeroes" z "Tab-complete zero entries"
flag off
option "config" c "Command line config file"
string typestr="filename" default="OntoShell.ini"
option "verbosity" v "Message verbosity"
int default="5"
Flag | Default | Type | Description |
-x | None | String | If given, rather than providing the user with an interactive command prompt, execute the given command (with results going to standard output) and exit. This is useful for tasks such as saving the results of a TermFinder query to a file. |
-l | off | Flag | If on, open GO and KEGG using alternate gene IDs (the first synonym rather than the systematic ID) suitable for processing human (rather than yeast etc.) annotations. |
-b | off | Flag | If on, include annotation database IDs in the gene synonym lists (suitable for WormBase and FlyBase IDs). |
-o | None | OBO text file | OBO file containing the structure of the Gene Ontology. |
-g | None | Annotation text file | Gene Ontology annotation file for the desired organism. |
-k | None | KEGG orthology text file | ko file containing the structure and annotations of the KEGG orthology. |
-K | SCE | KEGG organism code | Three letter organism code of annotations to be read from the ko file. Options include SCE for yeast, HSA for human, DME for fly, CEL for worm, and MMU for mouse. |
-m | None | MIPS schema text file | File containing the schema (structure) of the MIPS functional catalog. |
-a | None | MIPS annotation text file | File containing the annotations to be used with the MIPS functional catalog. |
-M | None | MIPS phenotypes schema text file | File containing the schema (structure) of the MIPS phenotype catalog. |
-A | None | MIPS phenotype annotation text file | File containing the annotations to be used with the MIPS phenotype catalog. |
-f | None | SGD features text file | If given, use gene names and information from the given file to annotate genes. |
-z | off | Flag | If on, perform tab-completion on terms containing zero annotations; otherwise, exclude terms with no genes from the tab-completion list. |