
Randomizer removes all values from the given DAT/DAB and randomly inserts the same number (or a requested number) of ones. This can be used to quickly create a random gold standard with a known number of positive examples.


Basic Usage

 Randomizer -i <data.dab>

Removes all non-missing values in data.dab and assigns an equivalent number of 1s randomly across all gene pairs.

Detailed Usage

package "Randomizer"
version "1.0"
purpose "Data file randomizer."

section "Main"
option  "input"     i   "Input/output DAT/DAB file"
                        string  typestr="filename"  yes
option  "count"     c   "Target positive pair count"
                        int default="0"

section "Optional"
option  "random"    r   "Seed random generator"
                        int default="0"
option  "verbosity" v   "Message verbosity"
                        int default="5"
Flag Default Type Description
-i stdin DAT/DAB file Input DAT/DAB file to be randomized.
-c 0 Integer If nonzero, desired number of non-missing values in the output file.