

Basic Usage

 SeekPValue -i <genes.txt> -x <db list> -d <input directory> -D <output_dir>

Detailed Usage

package "SeekPValue"
version "1.0"
purpose "Estimates P-Value of the retrieved genes based on a background of random queries"

section "Main"
option  "port"              t   "Port"
                                string default="9005"
option  "random_dir"        R   "Random directory"
                                string typestr="directory"  yes
option  "random_num"        N   "Number of random trials"
                                int     default="100"   yes
option  "input"             i   "Gene mapping file"
                                string typestr="filename" yes
option  "nan"               n   "Define NaN score"
                                float   default="-320"
Flag Default Type Description
-i stdin Text file Tab-delimited text file containing two columns, numerical gene IDs (one-based) and unique gene names (matching those in the input DAT/DAB files).
-d . Directory Input directory containing DB files
-D . Directory Output directory in which database files will be stored.
-x . Text file Input file containing list of CDatabaselets to combine